An iFrame is a website within a website.
TruVal can run in an iFrame if required.
- It sits within your site navigation – users can easy access your other pages
- Very easy to set up – just one line of code
- The iFrame content isn’t responsive – try reducing this page to less that full size and then drag the page size bigger or smaller. You’ll see that although this page resizes, the iFrame gets truncated. Another useful tip if using Chrome is to click the 3 dots button top right and choose More Tools then Developer Tools – you can simulate most mobile devices such as tablets, iPads, iPhones etc.
- iFrames are invisible to search engines. So the text content you put into TruVal will be ignored. That’s probably not an issue if you add text like this outside the iFrame
- Website traffic measuring tools like Google Analytics and Pixel Facebook don’t see iFrames and therefore don’t count traffic to them. TruVal has a solution to this, though – you can specify up to two separate pages on your site that TruVal will briefly fire up (in iFrames!) then hide. So, if you create something like and, pop the code snippets that these services give you into them and then put their URLs in the appropriate boxes in TruVal admin. As visitors arrive on your Truval, the pages on your site will be called and they will be added to your analytics in such a way that you should see traffic to your TruVal site separate to other traffic to your site.
Here’s TruVal in an iFrame: